Hello, we are ScholarKid

We were founded in October 2017, since this date we have dedicated ourselves to meeting the needs of individuals who are keen to learn outside of the classroom.

Our Vision
We believe every child and teenager should have access to good quality education, hence we built ScholarKid which is being used by both parents and teenagers throughout the world.

We give young people the independence to control their own learning and time. We believe this allows pupils to garner their own academic potential. We encourage each pupil to follow their interests and ambitions whilst building necessary life skills without compromising their education.

Many students globally use ScholarKid for different reasons, some attend a regular secondary school but use the platform to aid them in their learning. Others are home-educated and use the platform to navigate their way through the curriculum.

We are a dedicated team of educational professionals, our staff, families and students work together to keep ScholarKid a vibrant and positive learning experience.

We hope you join us and experience a ScholarKid education.

Contact us


Useful insights from industry leaders on ScholarKid


Read our Frequently Asked Questions




Global Engagement

The comment section is used to engage students globally, learn from each other expressing their ideas, thoughts and opinion

Building Skills

ScholarKid’s courses are designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful for university and employmen.

No Stress

ScholarKid allows students to study at their own pace in a relaxed environment, building their knowledge for a better future.

Thinking Skills

Each course is designed to make the student think logically, independently and participate in a collaborative environment.

Anywhere Access

Your class never expires you can access it 24/7. Learn when and where you choose! Grab the course of your choice and dive in!

Learn with Love

Using ScholarKid will teach you independence. Each student oversees their own schedule and can study in a relaxed setting.

The comment section is used to engage students globally and learn from each other expressing their ideas, thoughts and opinions all with the support of a ScholarKid Tutor.

Each course is designed to make the student think logically and independently. Students can learn from each other using the comment section which is a collaborative environment.

“The critical thinking course has taught me to look for more than just one source on a topic, I have found it to be very engaging and have realised how some media outlets only portray a fraction of an event”. – Eugene, ScholarKid student, Russia

“My daughter is home educated, ScholarKid is a great way for her to interact with students abroad and understand their way of thinking, which is often different to hers, this is mainly due to cultural differences. She has gained a lot of knowledge from using ScholarKid’s platform. – Michael Levy, Israel

ScholarKid allows students to study at their own pace in a relaxed environment, building their knowledge for a better future.

We hope to see you on one of our courses soon!

Kind regards,



We are expanding our school into new territories, countries and continents. We are striving to refine our curriculum using the knowledge of some of the world's leading experts. Our content is translated into local dialects.

Testimonial from Jamie

Testimonial from Rhea

Testimonial from John