Being organised and well prepared for upcoming tests and exams can have a big impact on how well you do. Firstly you need the Right Attitude. We know it can sometimes be hard to be positive when you have to study for something. If you are feeling down or unsure take some time out,write an outline of everything you have to learn or try meditation which can help shift your emotional state into a positive one.
It's easier to study when you are positive about learning something new.
Everyone on this planet has their own unique way of learning. Just because your friend or family member learns in a certain way, doesn't mean you will learn something in the same way. Try different methods of learning, by watching videos, reading and or reading content which includes images. See which method helps you remember, and this will be your learning style.
For instance, I find it hard to learn in a classroom, my mind wonders off constantly. I find it a lot easier to read a book and use images.
Once you have found what type of 'learner' your study techniques will improve and you can start tailoring your subjects to your needs.
Auditory Learner: You retain information when you listen to lectures or recordings of a subject.
Visual Learner: You retain information when you watch videos, images or demonstrations.
Read & Write Learner: You retain information when you are reading and taking notes.
Kinaesthetic Learner: You retain information when you are actively engaged in a situation (hands on approach).
Just because some of your friends or fellow students are motivated to study, doesn't necessarily mean that you are and this is ok, it will just take a bit longer to motivate yourself.
Your Effective Way of Studying
Once you have found you own learning style, don't stop experimenting, your learning techniques can always be improved, this won't just serve you for your exam period, this will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Knowing what works for you and what doesn't is key to your success.
You will soon realise that know your own style will alleviate a lot of frustration which causes panic and fear just before test. Being prepared means reviewing and practising the material, knowing 'what you will study' and 'how you will study' will help you master effective study habits.
12 study secrets
1. Getting organised
Knowing what is needed at what time is crucial to your 'study success'. Completing the tasks and doing your homework, projects and tests will help prepare you for future assignments and exams.
1. Paying attention
When you are reading or watching a video it is easy to get distracted, to avoid this you can practice 'active listening' or 'active reading', concentrate on what is being said or what you are reading by jotting down notes in your own words, taking notes in your own words will help you understand what is being said.
2. Distractions
Put your mobile phones away, this is the first thing anyone should do to limit distractions. What distracts you, keep an eye out when you are next studying anything that distracts you should try to eliminate in your next study session.
3. Taking notes
Jotting down notes while studying is a great way to keep focused, however, your notes may look untidy or unclear. Be sure to set some time aside after studying to review and rewrite your notes. Write your notes as clear and precise as possible as you might have to revert to them. Your notes should be complete.
4. Reviewing notes
Every evening you should look through the notes you took that day, this will help move the notes from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.
5. Study notes
Condense your notes as much as possible, you can underline or highlight key words. You can even get creative by using charts, mind maps or story webs. Anything that helps you remember should be used into your notes.
6. Ask questions
If you are unsure about something, do not hesitate to ask a question, if you are unsure it's almost guaranteed that someone else has the same question. You can also write questions in your notebook and revert back to it when you have time.
7. Study plan
A study plan is very useful, and you should make one for the entire year, or definitely in the semester. What do you need to accomplish this year? What types of questions will be on your end of year exam, what topics will you cover, what should you be focusing on? Setting specific tasks and goals for each study session will help you cover all of the work that needs to be completed.
8. Other students
Interact with other students via the comment section, helping your fellow students will help you test your knowledge.
9. Study times
Creating a study area helps you settle in and get into 'study mode'. Study areas should have good lighting, be relatively quiet and you have a smooth surface for you to read and write. Find a study area that works for you.
10. Study area
You don't have to study for 5 hours on end. Science has proven that short bursts of study are more effective. If you set 30 minutes aside to study be sure to take a 10 or 15 minute break, walk away from your study area and clear your mind.
11. Group study
Create a study group, studying with others helps create an interactive environment which will help you keep engaged with the subjects. You can also bounce ideas off of your fellow students, ask questions, quiz each other and share notes. The main aim of a study group is to boost each other's confidence.
12.Study Wise
Knowing how you study will be crucial for success, not just during your school years, but for life long learning. Time and patience are needed to learn how you study, but once you have mastered the basics, you will absorb information a lot quicker.