Extracurricular Activities
1. Better Grades
Extra curricular activies can compliment school work, finding the passion within a teenager can bring excitement and improve brain functionality. By undertaking extra curricular activities teenagers will become aware of time management. Learning how to prioritize responsibilities from a young age will serve them well for a lifetime
2. Skill Development
Expanding a teens horizons is essential, exposing them to new skills will help them grow as an individual.
A musical instrument engages both sides of the brain, using both the creative side and the analytical side of the brain. Sports teaches teens how to apply mental energy and physical energy whilst strategising.
The skills teens use in both of these examples are discipline, organisation and practice, all of which will be useful throughout their lives.
3. Increased Self-Esteem
Activities outside of the classroom will allow the adolescent to rise up to different challenges and opportunities, allowing the teens to experience success or failure. Both experiences are vital for future growth.
Mastering skills in a relaxed environment will build their confidence and lead to higher self-esteem.
4. Improved Social Skills
Allowing teenagers to spend time with their peers who share the same interests can help increase their confidence when making new friends. Working together to achieve a common goal will teach them how to relate to others and how to work as a team.
Extracurricular activities can guide teenagers away from spending too much time in the wrong crowd which can lead to bad behaviour patterns.
5. Change of Pace & Diversity
Learning how to balance school work and fun activities will help with any future prioritisation in the work place. Learning how to work with others from different backgrounds is key to creating a successful career. The lessons learned outside of the classroom are very valuable. Having a structured learning environment is important the two modes of learnign should work in conjunction with one another.
6. Looks Good on Resumes
Working part time shows future employers that the individual can multi task and deliver expected results.
7. Looks Good on College Applications
When applying for university showing that an individual has undertaken extracurricular activities can be a big advantage during the application process. Showing the board that the person can handle various challenges whilst still meeting the demands of a full time education will go in their favour with the admissions board.
8. Healthy & Productive
Learning how to work with others, promote mental health, physical health, learning how to apply a strategy and time management etc, are just a few of the benefits teenagers experience.
Self-esteem and self-worth increases allowing them to become a productive member of society. Extracurricular activity allows the adolescent to see their potential thus they are less likely to suffer from depression or anxiety.
Helping promote self-awareness and self-esteem in teens will help them define their identities.